I’ve been happily using my Gemibook XPro N100 laptop for the past year and four months until I tried to charge it last night. Its red pilot light didn’t come on and I now have about 15% left. I usually don’t charge it until it’s under 20%.
Has anyone come across a simple solution similar to my situation?
I am using a third charger. I bought three different chargers and adapters because my original charger died after only two months. Oddly enough, my third and final charger is charging! It’s at about 33% right now. I’ll let you know if it’s really okay when it’s charged to about 80%. I’ve been careful not to overcharge, so I’m really wondering why my first two chargers did not work.
If its less than 1 year old the computer, we can send you a charger for free, but the shipping costs must be paid by customer. Maybe they were not suitable for it-
I’ve had my 2 generic chargers (12V 2A) + (generic charging head) for over a year and they worked great until yesterday. I purchased them because I didn’t want to wait for a charger again as my first original charger was the wrong model and the second original charger only lasted 2 months.
So far, my Chuwi Gemibook xPro has been working fine, except for this charger issue. This laptop has been very reliable for me.
I dozed off and woke up with my Chuwi Gemibook xPro at 95% charge. I usually stop charging when the battery is over 80%, maybe that prevented damaging the motherboard, even though they are just generic chargers.
Yesterday, when my Chuwi laptop’s battery was down to 19%, I tried charging it while using it. I found no increase in battery power at all. However, when I switched off and charged it, the battery increased to over 80%. Is this normal? I don’t seem to have had this kind of power stagnation when charging before.