Hi Pad Max reboot loop Freezing (Solved)

My Hipad max has started rebooting, repeatedly. I’ve tried to get to perform a factory reset but, it freezes before I can enter my pin number. It then reboots again.
If I don’t unlock the device after a restart, nothing happens it seems.
Any suggestions please.

give me your serial number i will send you the files and see if reinstalling works

I’m having the same problem with my HI MAX Tablet. It will let me enter my pin number. Then i can open one app then it freezes up. I have to do a hard reset but It wont go into the bootlogger.

Hi the only serial number I can access is 28f7d39f. This via the bios screen. I have done a factory reset, again via the bios, recovery screen. This worked fine for a day, but the device has started the freezing, reboot cycle again.
I’ll perform another reset, when I have time and get back to you.

Paul Coddington

Interestingly, mine has started not going into the hard reset menu as well. It worked fine when I first found out about it.
Now it’s not working.

Paul Coddington

the serial number is inside the sim card /TF holder, in a very tiny corner. Give me both of you the Serial number and if you make me a video i would appreciate because this is complicated to explain to tech

My Hipad Max keeps rebooting repeatedly. I’ve attempted a factory reset, but it freezes before I can enter my PIN, then restarts again. If I leave it unlocked after a reboot, nothing seems to happen. Any suggestions, please?
The serial number is “JHipdMKK20230401145.”

@BtheDemon try installing everything again




Flashtool drivers (need to be installed first before using the flash tool)

Thanks. I´m gonna try it.

Hi this is my serial number for my HiPad Max. This is the first problem ive had out of. If you can help me with the reinstall files i would greatly appreciate it

Thank you


Sorry, I have a problem. Can you help me? Please

which file did you try to install first?

@Kbar8371 download the flash tool and drivers from the link above

First, I installed the drivers, which were located in the “Flashtool drivers Hipadmax” folder. Inside, there were two subfolders, and I installed the files from both subfolders.
Then, I tried to install the file from the “flashtool HiPadMax” folder, but it says they are corrupt.

Hey Paul if you figure this out before I do could you let me know and what you did please. I work third shift so I have to crash for a bit. Also any idea why in the subfolders on the down loads the is a money transfer file in it?

can you tell me which file is about money because i just checked and i cant find it @Kbar8371

@BtheDemon can you try to download again the file? maybe it was not complete

Thank you, downloading again worked. Now I need to know which of these files to select in order to flash.

@manonegra please help him probably you know which file

II just placed everything as it is in the manual but the flashing is not happening. Do I need to do something else?

I just solved it. After the configuration is done, you should open the ‘QFIL’ program and then follow these instructions from there.


HiPad Max刷机教程.pdf (666.7 KB)