Hi Pad Max reboot loop Freezing

Wow, we got almost same issue 2 days ago, April 14. The only difference is - we can observe lock screen as long as we want, probably because of pin code. But as soon as pin code entered, it freezes in 2-3 sec and then reboots in 5 sec by a watchdog.

Certificate expiration?

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como entras a modo seguro?
puedo hacer ese proceso en macbook? o tengo que tener Windows laptop/pc ?

@jaaronpm en la chuwi hipad max estando encendida la tabled, mantienes precionas el icono de apagar 3 segundos te saldrá la leyenda entrar en modo seguro


I’ve spend 40 mins mastering my speed, because I only have 7 seconds. Finally I did cleared Play Services cache. Did not helped :frowning:

@xkip entra en modo seguro funcionará normalmente,
Entras en ajustes buscas servios de Google ihnabilita la aplicacion completa quita los permisos de 24 horas actualicen y contenido munltimedia
Te funcionará hasta que se solucione esto

Como entrar en modo seguro?

I have asked tech to record me a video on how to flash properly, i hope i can have it today
He pedido a Tech que me haga un video de como flashear, espero tenerlo hoy


En un comentario arriba lo explico @Rehaell

Exactly the same as what I’m experiencing.

Paul Coddington

Gracias, pero el pop-up para reiniciar en modo de segurança no aparece. Yo penso que sea porque ló tablet esta usando una conta de ninos.

This started happening to me the morning of April 12, 2024 Central Time. Was working fine the previous day. I can force reboot and is fine until I enter the PIN. It then waits about 3-5 seconds and reboots. What are so many HiPad Max tablets having the same issue all at once? Was some change rolled out that would impact them all?

Used advice from Gerardo1 and applied to “Google Play Services” (Thank you Gerardo1)
@xkip enter safe mode will work normally,
Go into settings, search for Google services, disable the entire application, remove 24-hour permissions, update and multimedia content
It will work for you until this is resolved.

To get into Safe Mode I pressed the Power Key and then kept my finger on the “Power off” option that pops up on the screen for a few seconds and it asked me if I wanted to reboot into safe mode. I did all this without entering my PIN.

I can again use my HiPad Max now but it keeps bugging me to Enable “Google Play Services” I will keep that off until I see some sort of solution here in this forum topic.

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April the 12th? Interesting. Mine also started on that morning, I first discovered it around 9am GMT. Again my Hipad was working fine the previous night. Does make you think that, something like an update has caused this.

I’ve been poking around logcat via adb shell and I have my log full of this

04-17 20:15:28.451  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-17 20:15:28.483  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: Exception sending hit: SSLHandshakeException
04-17 20:15:28.483  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-17 20:15:28.513  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: Exception sending hit: SSLHandshakeException
04-17 20:15:28.514  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-17 20:15:28.542  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: Exception sending hit: SSLHandshakeException
04-17 20:15:28.542  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-17 20:15:28.571  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: Exception sending hit: SSLHandshakeException
04-17 20:15:28.571  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-17 20:15:28.601  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: Exception sending hit: SSLHandshakeException
04-17 20:15:28.601  7072  7335 W GoogleTagManager: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Shortly after the tablet freezes and reboots. However if I keep the screen off it just continuously spits out those messages.

If I had root access I could look further into it, but I don’t so there’s folders I can’t peek into.

Sadly, in my case it is kid’s device and it is locked by parental control, I think that’s the reason why I don’t have “Safe Mode” button in power menu.

Interesting… I suspected certificate expiration few posts above, and looks like we now have some logs to prove that.

gracias espare con ansias ese video.
podrias decirme para confirmar por favor si necesitaré una Windows PC? o funciona tambien en apple?

Same here

Here is the video:
Before flashing try the solution proposed abovet by Gerardo and Netlook
if it does not work, then flash it with the files i gave.

If I flash the firmware, will I lose my data?

Can you tell me your version of Google Play Services?