Hi10xr not working

hi10XR Q128G201039 NOT BOOTING BIOS OR WINDOWS. ANYONE HELP PLEASE. red power light works and keyboard light, nothing else works no display.

hi10X NOT BOOTING BIOS OR WINDOWS. ANYONE HELP PLEASE. red power light works and keyboard light white LED, nothing else works no display. Just

LED blinking behaviour and not able to see the bios or boot. Even not back light at the LCD screen. I have contacted the customer service and after they asked me to give then the serial number, silence not a word from them. Shame to Chuwi I will never buy from them . After just one year the tabled is useless. No service no refund no answers just nothing.

Same here, and it hapend after simple full discharge. It just wont to start.
Last what was seen: picture of low battery and after charghing few hours:

  • when power button is pressed shortly - keyboard white light stays ~10s
  • when power button is hold ~3s, keyboard white light is on and after that red light comes for few seconds and in the same time white turns off.

Looks like the bios is out and is waiting to be loaded from usb? but how and which one

Found: ZW-BI-10-S101GWR100-GA86C-013-C.bin, but mine was endig …-013-F (probably hi10xr model)