Hi9 Plus can not enter to Deep-Sleep


My Hi9 plus(red button) consumes battery rapidly(0.8% / 1h) during sleep. Similar reports are found on the web by searching google.

I used to think this is the performance of this tablet, but the other day I noticed that the device never enter to deep-sleep during screen-off. In other words, CPU is always on. Some battery monitor apps such as AccuBattery reports that.

Is this an intended behavior? I did factory reset, but this behavior did not change.

Is your keyboard attached? I’ve heard from some that this can cause battery drain, but I’m not sure.

I never use the suspension unless it is going to be for a very short period of time, but, to what you comment, I think that, when having LTE with calls, the behavior of the tablet should be the same as that of a cellphone, not never go to deep sleep, and should consume just as a cell phone does in the same situation Then I will see if in the system options there is something that can modify this behavior when no SIM card is used, but with it, I think it should behave as described

Is your keyboard attached? I’ve heard from some that this can cause battery drain

Thanks, after detaching the keyboard, the device began to enter Deep-sleep and battery consumption became under 0.1%/1hour, which was reported by AccuBattery.

However, I think this behavior is not common among other keyboard attachable tablets. How can I disable the keyboard when pushing the sleep button?