HiPad Plus MT8183 Your Device is Corrupt

I get an error on boot up
dm-verity corruption
Your device is corrupt
It cannot be trusted and may not work properly
Press power button to continue.
or device will power off in 5 seconds.

Please advise how to fix or provide firmware so I can reflash.




Try to reinstall all

I am having a similar problem, when I run SP Flash Tool, I get an error:
Storage type mismatch!
Please select a valid load or ask for help!

give me your SN maybe its the wrong firmware

I tried to install the firmware supplied and it did not work .
The tablet will not boot at all now.
How do I get into recovery mode?


Send an email to service@chuwi.com and tell how you flashed it, maybe there was a wrong step that you did, they will answer you after 8Feb