LapBook Plus is not charged

After 1,5 years my lapbook stops charging. The next behaviour when charger is connected:

  1. Red LED near DC connector on lapbook is light on;
  2. In windows status bar battery status become active an shows charging animation for 10…20 sec. After that, animation is freezed, but indication of DC adapter connection stay active. Estimating time for full charging while using constantly increased, charging percent is full down.
  3. Finally, battery completely discharged and lapbook switched off.
  4. When lapbook switched off, also no charging.

Changing the charging adapter - same results. All adapters has 12V on output.
I can charge battery by direct connection DC power supply to battery connector. It looks that battery has good capacity and lapbook can work after that some time, while battery has a charge.

Where can be a problem - hardware or BIOS?