I got bulky desktop and laptops and they cant bring on street.
For mobile I got a surface go 3 alike and Chuwi Hi10x.
SG3 i’ll use for windows at working.
Hi10x is good for other times.
Linux is one which I MAY try LATER.
At the moment, I flashed CrOS flex onto USB drive and boot from it.
As said before, touch and stylus worked great, indeep so far nothing sucked, esp after 2022-07’s official release.
CrOS flex cant run android apps,
but it’s basically the SAME CrOS base, + linux vm, -android app library.
It worked for me, esp when only light work for youtube, web browsing (some web pages just sucks in android phone’s chrome).
Actually for me, i use mostly anki, mindmanager, PDF, onenote, markdown.
anki could be installed as linux app,
mindmanager web is ok but need paid and is limited
PDF is supported /w annotation.
onenote web SHOULD BE supported as I got microsoft 365.
hi10x with win10 or win11 is slow as hell. (SG3 's i3 CPU is better)
anyone who is not actively using hi10x becoz windows shd try OS flex.