New cooling system

70 C power 45w…30/35 right now…it`s summer here


That’s awesome, congrats! :clap:

Interesting, could you pass me the link where to get the 3mm copper (so to get the exact same thing)? You can pass it to me with a pm.

About mounting the cooler block: did you just use the mounting provided in the box of the Mars mcpu44? I’m asking since the Chuwi has a three screws mounting system and not the normal 4, so I’m not sure how to get it done as you did and shown in your pictures.

Thank you!

Aliexp or Amazon…cut to the length of the socket and wide 30mm

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a bracket was fine the one in the package…other I had to cut one always included in the package(single hole)

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I finished today by cutting the body in a rudimentary way:)

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Good job, well done! :+1: :muscle:

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It’s a powerfull cpu in a small factor pc! :muscle:

That’s a pretty solid result. Did you change the TDP to 54W in the Bios to reach that level?
Good job!

Yes and AMD apu tuning utility

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This is great!!! Just a couple of questions, did you put thermal paste between the copper plate and the cpu and also between the copper plate and the heat sink? Did the screws with springs come with the Mars MCPU44 or did you have to remove it from the old heat sink?

I saw that you connect an external power supply. It would be great to find 12v in any place of the motherboard, but I don’t think it is possible, maybe with an external voltage regulator of 19v of the included power supply to 12v.
In any case, the power provided can be external to the motherboard but it could be connected to 2 pins of the motherboard CPU PWM fan connector which controls fan speed to reduce noise. I leave below an URL where discuss this matter:

Yes, there is thermal paste on both…thanks for the advice…I currently regulate it in pwm with a potentiometer manually.screws and mounts are plentiful in the kit. I cut the tab under the spring because I couldn’t get the threaded hole. I didn’t tighten hard until the heatsink moved

Finally I have replaced the heat sink. I had to disconnect wifi card because one heat pipe touch it, but it is connected by network cable to LAN, so it is not a problem. I also used a copper plate of 3mm of thickness cut with a dremel. Other problem was the single hole, to solve it, I cut the last part of the mount piece and it was clamped with the center of the piece with longer screws (not provided in the heat sink). I include some pictures, in case it could be useful for somebody. Idle temperature is now 33ºC, 100%CPU test of 5 min 74ºC
Now, I am thinking to replace the fan with one of 5v to connect to motherboard pwm or convert 19v to 12v in any place of the motherboard. I have to check with the polymeter.


Nice job! What heatsink and thermal paste did you use?

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Heatsink: Mars mcpu44 and Thermal paste: Noctua NT-H1
I have bought a Noctua fan of 5v PWM, I will let you know the result when I received it and install it.

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Ciao ha tutti ho installato un secondo hard disk e ho installato Linux Mint cinamon,così configurato non supera i 90 gradi anche con CPU al 100% sarà mica windows11? Ed è anche più graduale ad arrivarci!Con Windows 11 anche solo in avvio arriva oltre i 90 gradi!

Ciao a Tutti
se volete preservare la vostra cpu e fate un uso desktop del pc vi consiglio di disabilitare “core performance boost della cpu all’ interno del menu” cpu common options" nel bios cosi facendo no superera i 90 gradi anche con cpu al 100% e non si presenteranno piu quei picchi a cento gradi anche solo alll’avvio di windows come vedete la differenza e minima ma almeno siamo sicuri di no fare danni! Sarebbe bello se Chuwi ci mettesse a disosizione un kit modifica che ci permettesse di sfruttare appieno le potenzialità della cpu che ha un dissipatore misero che no riesce a star dietro alle prestazioni della stessa!

I have replaced the fan with a Noctua pwm 5v. I had to cut the cable of the original fan and splice it to the fan cable in order to connect the fan to the motherboard directly.

It works but the fan doesn’t start to spin until the CPU reaches 50ºC and spin really slow. I tried to adjust the temperatures and fan speed in bios, but it doesn’t change its behaviour (it seems that motherboard ignores the options configured in the fan control of the BIOS).
BIOS config of the fan is located in: Advanced > AMD CBS >NBIO Common options > SMU Common options > Fan control.
I configured the following options:
Force PWM control: unforced
Fan Table control:
Low temp: 38
Medium temp: 50
High temp: 60
Critical temp: 90
Low PWM: 400
Med PWM: 700
High PWM: 1500
Temp histeresis: 1
Polarity: positive


Good job on the fan replacement!
It’s unfortunate that the Bios is ignoring any change on the fan settings, it’s another aspect that Chuwi won’t look at since they do not provide after sale support (like no Bios update, I’m not even sure they have a tech department, they probably resell the device which was engineered by someone else and therefore won’t support it if the original producers won’t provide ant new update of the bios).

So what have you decide to do? If you keep the Noctua connected directly on the mobo with the very low rpms what temperatures are you getting?

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