hello, i can not connect over micro hdmi with a monitor or a tv.
after i plugged the micro hdmi kabel nothing happened and the monitor or tv says no signal.
Press win+p and set duplicate or extend video output.
Check display settings, there must be 2 screens
Try to update video drivers https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/80939/Graphics-Drivers better to use " Automatically update your drivers"
If it’s doesn’t help there must be some problem with hardware (cable or connector).
Hello, ist this only possible with a external Keyboard ?
You can use on-screen keyboard.
Nothing is happened, can i use usb c for external monitor
I’m not sure but type-c doesn’t supports video output on this tablet.
hello i bought today a new hdmi Micro cabel, now i have connection but this is not usable for videos, what can i do for a good connection
Hello, all videos in different resolution are jerk on tv.
help me please
yes i use the right Resolution and all driver updated
It seems that I can’t help in this situation…
I connect usual monitor to a tablet without any settings and have no problems.