No connection micro hdmi

hello, i can not connect over micro hdmi with a monitor or a tv.
after i plugged the micro hdmi kabel nothing happened and the monitor or tv says no signal.

Press win+p and set duplicate or extend video output.
Check display settings, there must be 2 screens
Try to update video drivers better to use " Automatically update your drivers"
If it’s doesn’t help there must be some problem with hardware (cable or connector).

Hello, ist this only possible with a external Keyboard ?

You can use on-screen keyboard.

Nothing is happened, can i use usb c for external monitor

I’m not sure but type-c doesn’t supports video output on this tablet.

hello i bought today a new hdmi Micro cabel, now i have connection but this is not usable for videos, what can i do for a good connection

Hello, all videos in different resolution are jerk on tv.
help me please

Did you choose right resolution for your tv?

And did you install updated video driver?

yes i use the right Resolution and all driver updated

It seems that I can’t help in this situation… :man_shrugging:
I connect usual monitor to a tablet without any settings and have no problems.