Almost every single screw has fallen from back laptop case on Chuwi LapBook Pro!!!
What size screws are these
Almost every single screw has fallen from back laptop case on Chuwi LapBook Pro!!!
What size screws are these
I have the same issue and question for a similar lapbook: Chuwi Lapbook Plus: Screw Type?
Wow, another with the same problem. My daughter came from school today and almost all the screws have fallen off.
Nobody knows where to buy them?
Probably M2.5x6 or M2x6 , it’s hard to tell by photo.
I have the same problem what type screw is???
Same problem. All screws went missing. My Herobook plus was quite defective breaking, falling apart and bending when try to open or close screen without screws. Used ##### M2 x 6mm SCREWS #### and the result was incredible good. M2 x 6mm SCREWS . Best wishes