Solution for issues with Hi10X

Hi guys!

I want to write down my experience with Chuwi Hi10X, I don’t want to let anybody else having issues for a so long period, as i had.
So, my experiences were: Everytime i turned my tablet on (model with only Windows 10 OS), after 20 minutes, it made a fault and the screen turned blue with a BSOD code.

Mostly, the BSOD codes were:

After 8 month of having issues, i turned to aftersales of chuwi, but they couldn’t find a solution for my problems. However, they were really kind, and as i asked them for a BIOS update, they send me one.
After i updated the BIOS, i updated the windows as well, to fully get rid of the old system, and it worked.
The BIOS file and the tutorial, how to do it:


There is the Windows 10 update with the tutorial:


If you need any driver to your system, i attached them as well (actually, I did not need them)
Hi10X Drive(1).zip

After the tablet did not turn off anymore, i noticed when i watch videos, sometimes the screen turns twizzy, stripy.
I found the solution on the Chuwi forum (solution of Vovch PS:thx bro :grin: ):

"Hello everyone! For anyone who is having problems with running

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers /v DisableOverlays /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Please note that PowerShell should be opened with administrator priviledges , this is extremely important. That might be the reason of the unsuccessful tries.

P.S. I’ve done that and it worked for me, I don’t any glitches anymore."

And my last problem was that the tablet couldn’t turn from sleep mode on. The solution :

The rules of the forum did not let me to attach more than 2 link to the article, and that’s why i uploaded evertything into one folder. The with italic written part of the text are the names of the files in the folder. LINK TO THE FILES: My Files
I hope nobody else will have so much issues with the tablet as i had, i hope i could help you. :blush:


Nice post, thank you. I’ve been lucky with my Hi10XR, it’s been the most stable Win10 machine since the day I got it, with no issues at all. I hope your post helps those that are having troubles with theirs. :slight_smile:

Hi mate, can you please write your chuwi serial number… i want to upgrade the Bios and i need to know if we have the same batch of tables… I’m having the one newer with hi pen h6 compatible.

Can you please let me know if your tablet have a 6 after GH in serial numeber?Thanks !

Content list :
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02 Szám 2.wma
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