Wifi Disconnects Constantly

I have a HeroBook for the last couple of months, but just lately I started to use the internet because of the Corna-Virus.
I have a constant disconnection from the internet using any internet connection I have - home internet, cell phone hot spot, and cellular router.
The disconnections occur every 5-10 minutes, and for about 1-2 minutes.
I updated the wifi Realtek driver - Realtek 8821CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC.

Please help.

My herobook had the same problem from day 1. I bought a USB wifi stick and now have no issues.

Thanks, but i tried that today and still doesn’t work…
And just to make sure, I connected for the rest of the dat to a regular wifi network without the this router, and had now problems.
Im actually waiting in line at the retailer to replace the router. The company says it might be a defect in the product.

I will update.

Try reinstall Driver Wifi: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4fyvzpdqd86mu/Driver

tried it all, but I was unsuccessful.
The only way the wifi works ok is with an external wifi receiver.
have any suggestions on what is the source?

Try wifinian and let it run in the background, it may stabilize the connection.

hello Ramimi, I found this old thread, I have your same problem with my LarkBook X.
Have you fixed the disconnections?