Autonomía de Batería ESTANDO APAGADO

Buenas que tal, espero me puedan ayudar con este problema. El fallo que tengo es que cuando apago el dispositivo con el 100% de batería luego de una carga completa, al encenderlo al otro día tras varias horas de estar apagado, la batería se encuentra a menos del 80% de su carga. La notebook la compré hace menos de un mes y está impecable y funciona perfecto, ningún inconveniente, solamente ese que no es menor y es molesto. No tendría porqué suceder. Ya configuré perfectamente los ajustes de Windows (en opciones de energía de la batería) para que cuando apretó en función apagar no se suspenda sino que efectivamente se apague. Y todos sus controladores al parecer están actualizados. ¿ Que podrá ser ?. Es la versión de 4/64. Espero su respuesta, gracias! Desde Argentina.

Cuando apagas, mantienes conectado al portátil algún dispositivo, como un mouse, o cualquier otro?. Si es así, retiralo y haz la prueba

Que tal. Si así es, lo apagó sin nada conectado, con batería al 100 por ciento y todos los programas cerrados. Ya que me fijo desde los iconos ocultos con los programas. Nose que puede ser

se me ocurre algo.

Puede que, cierres la tapa antes de que el portátil esté completamente apagado?
Windows tarda en apagar totalmente después de apagar la pantalla.
Cuando lo apagues hoy, no cierres la tapa y mañana comprueba.
Si tiene un led en la zona del teclado, comprueba que se apaga

Perfecto voy a probar eso entonces. Por lo que ví siempre se apagaba ese led azul en el teclado. Y siempre esperaba que la pantalla se ponga en negro para cerrarla. Gracias por tu respuesta

Que tal buen dia. Anoche probé dejandole la tapa abierta y se había apagado el led correctamente y todo. Hoy está nuevamente conn 85% de batería. No sé que hacer

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Perfecto eso haré. Muchas gracias por ayudarme!

Hi from Greece. I have the same problem and the service of Chuwi suggest me to send my laptop to Spain office of service, BUT i can’t let my device for one month…

Hi, how are you? Thanks for writing and greetings to Greece, great nation.
My problem has not been solved yet and it is serious because I am too far from their offices to send the equipment to technical support. I agree with you that it is impossible to spend so much time without it since it is a working tool. I do not know how to fix it, I was reading several forums and pages and in some they said that it could be solved by updating the BIOS. Will it be convenient? From chuwi support, I did not receive an accurate response.

Thanks a lot for your kindly words. I have tried to update (with a lot of difficulty) the EC of BIOS. The EC successfully updated BUT the problem still exists. I do not know what else can i do and i do not want to leave my Laptop for service up to month (This is what they suggest me) I’m quite disappointed…

(Unfortunately, the answers from the Chinese site were insufficient)

Thank you for continuing to communicate. We are standing in the same place, the problem is the same and apparently updating the Bios is not solved. What could be the problem? I have no other problem with the equipment. It is new, it has just one month of use (new). I also contacted and they have not given me a useful answer. It’s a shame. What else can we do? Have you tried other alternatives?

I tried reinstalling windows but with failures… my opinion is that the battery is defective

Look at me, the Chuwi support people provided me with a program to measure the performance of the battery. I sent them a screen of the program as soon as the computer had been turned on after several hours being off and fully charged (and it was less than 80% of its capacity). And they answered me to do it again, but after putting the battery info program to play, it plays 4 hours of video, which is what the battery has to last. So the answer was not adequate, they are not understanding my problem I think, and they confuse it with a poor performance of the battery in the switched on computer and that is not the problem. I am sending you the link of the program so that you can use it and look at it.

And look at the result of my analysis in the image.

The process from the company is exactly the same … Then they will suggest you to send the laptop to the Spanish service. We have to find another way to solve the problem!!! I think the problem is HOW the BIOS ‘sees’ the battery management…

Perfect then we are standing exactly the same. I will continue looking for solutions, you say that the problem is with the BIOS?

I make a thought … the drop of the battery from 80% to 0% goes smoothly, So I think that the problem is not in the battery itself but in its management. That’s where we need to focus

Exactly. So is. It may be some Windows setting that leaves something running in the background when the computer is turned off. It occurs to me to think that. But I for example in my case do not leave anything connected, either in a USB port (such as mouse or other device) or Jack input, etc.

Tengo el mismo problema con mi SE, salduos de argentina