Chuwi gemibook pro usb c hdmi

Hi. On windows usb c hdmi work with full hd and higher but on linux and other os is only 1024x768. Any solution?

Can you provide more info. Which Linux Os are you using? With Linux Mint 22.1 I am getting 2880x1920. Do you have the latest release of your preferred Os? Too run correctly on Chuwi’s products, you need a least Kernel 6.4. Chuwi’s product were designed to work with Windows. Only a few of us actually run Linux but, we have figured out some work-a-rounds.

Linux Mint works great on Chuwi products whereas Ubuntu doesn’t play nice, Fedora is another good choice and no go for Arch.

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We cant provide help for Linux , sorry but others users will help you

I test many linux distro, all updated. When i connect chuwi to tv with usb c hdmi i can only chose from 640x480 to 1024x768 resolution. On windows i have no problem with resolution.

Anyone faced this problem?

It seems that you don’t have the display driver installed and if that Linux didn’t installed one on update, probably it doesn’t have one for that GPU.

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