Chuwi Hi10 die updating driver?

Hi, I was with the Hi10Pro, and I wanted to make another copy of the drivers since I had some old copies, and between the Win10 updater and the copies I managed to remove the device manager warnings, with the camera it gave Win10 error but in the end testing drivers the “Unicam GC2355” has managed to make the front and rear work, there it comes out as: AVStream Camera.
And it has given me to use Driver Easy and it has found that 4 drivers were missing.
And one that was like Acpi thermal or something like that was missing, it was downloaded, I put the newest version of the one I had and it asked me to restart… it stayed with the Chuwi logo for too long a while and when I pressed some keys and that Windows/Android has jumped to the bootloader… and pam little blue error screen Acpi error or something like that… and now it doesn’t turn on even by pressing power for a while or trying combinations… I’ve put it to load, it doesn’t seem like it has died of hit haha

That of pressing 30s power and 3 pulsations … it does nothing, it does not light up or the red led when I press buttons or charge it.
I have left it charging for hours and nothing, it does not have the original cable which by the way the metal connector was long… I have also seen removing 1 cable from the battery… When I couple it to the keyboard the led that it has turns on, that is, it “charges” has the battery.
Could he have died from updating a driver?
I have opened it in case I have to desolder the battery, red cable?

Well, after trying key combinations, using various loaders and doing nothing.
In the end I opened the tablet, disconnected the red cable from the battery for a while and reconnected it and it did not make any charging plan or turn on.
I only saw activity on the keyboard when I attached it to the keyboard that turned on and an LED, and the metal sheet that protects the Z8300 got hot when it was charging?..
When I opened it again I made a crack on the screen…I had seen the rom recorders…but it completely passed…
Since 2018 I had it…within the little time I use it, I’ll take the time of the pandemic.

Now I have a spare keyboard that apparently is good for:
Original Keyboard For Chuwi CHIWI HI10 PRO/Hibook/Hibook Pro
Chuwi Facebook tells me that the keyboard is valid for “10.1’ tablets”

I have seen other similar tablets but I don’t see it to take advantage of the keyboard…Hi10x…

Photo of the board+battery:

Keyboard photos:[/url]

If someone from Spain is interested in the keyboard…