Chuwi Hi10 Go N5100 Touch Screen problem

Hello, after reinstalling Windows in my Hi10 Go N5100, my touch inputs are inverted. I already tried everything I could and searched everywhere. Also, I did install all drivers provided by N5100. Hi10 Go

But it seems like the touch driver is not correctly configured (goodix touch hid).

Tried the N4500 restore image as well but it lacks the touch screen driver. Is there a N5100 restore image?

If anyone has it working, please back it up using double driver or any other software and upload it. It should be named “GoodixTouchDriverDevice”.


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I found a solution. You can try the way described by me in another thread:

Let us know if this helped.


Bom dia. Pessoal quem está tendo problema de ter formatado o tablet e perdido todos os driver’s do hi10 go, entra em contato comigo que eu ensino em troca de um pequeno valor.

Here’s correct driver


@Ganimedes Hi, I’ve come across that driver while I was searching for a solution, but that one just messes up even more the touch inputs. Thank you anyways!

@GustavoBarretto Brasileiro é fogo né cara, eu também sou e digo que quem quiser a solução eu vou deixar aqui de graça.

@drizzle_mizzle My guy, you just saved the entire userbase of this tablet, THAT WORKED!!! The only problem was to create an account on that forum in order to download that attachment. I’m not russian so I couldn’t read the recaptcha, but I used google lens on my phone to solve it :wink:

Here’s the correct driver: 149.1 KB file on MEGA (I’m hosting this, please mirror it)

Also, I managed to get the N5100 restore image from, but it came with the inverted touch driver: 10.1-S102JWR120-JC86B-070-G(N5100) - just copy the content into an USB pendrive or something and rename the disk to “WINPE” (you have to rename it or else it won’t restore the image correctly)

Para os brasileiros: só instalar o driver com o link do mega que vai corrigir o problema do touch invertido, deixei também um pacote de restauração de imagem da versão N5100 que recebi do email de suporte oficial (mas que veio com driver de touch errado, é só jogar os arquivos dentro de um pendrive e renomear o disco para “WINPE”, depois instalar o driver do mega e clicar em “clean up” no Windows que vai chegar na tela de instalação zerado). Abraços!


Lol, I forgot about that :stuck_out_tongue:

@guka90 Good to know this - I’ll save the other version too, but until my version works for me, I’m not going to change it. It may also help somebody else. I find it great there is a choice.

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@guka90 conhecimento custa, aprender custa, eu tirei meu tempo pra arrumar uma solução que a propria fabricante nao arruma. Isso demanda meu tempo, meu esforço, meu estudo, horas na frente entendendo os codigos, editando os driver’s. Acha mesmo que eu ou qualquer pessoa que entenda do assunto vai fazer isso tudo por que é um bom samaritano? A sua solução, não é solução, é gambiarra. Inclusive ela dá tela azul no windows, meu caro da alma bondosa.

Hello, today i had to do clean installation of windows 11 on chuwi hi10go tablet. I was able to install all drivers posted on some other topic in this forum, unfortunately touchscreen is inverted. All topics leads to some Russian forum and Human Interface file. People who installed it they say it helped. Unfortunately link posted by guka90 (MEGA) is dead. Same with download link on this Russian forum. Does anyone still have this file?

Anyone? Support of Chuwi do not respond, i cannot fix the screen without proper touch drivers. I would be extremely grateful for any help.

Hello. It’s not dead at all. But you need to login before you could download it.
Here’s google drive upload if you still need it.

Amigo, preciso da tua ajuda, qual teu whatsapp?
tens como me dar esse suporte???

Amigo, preciso de ajuda tb, se guga não ajudar, poderias?

Hello ? Cant download

Hello. Sorry, I have abandoned that gdrive account and forgot to re-upload the file.
Here’s it, if you still need it: