CHUWI Hi10 X photoshop performance


I am interested in buying the CHUWI Hi10 X for drawing in photoshop. Has anyone a video of how it performs in photoshop with pressure sensitivity?


Kevin Harte

In my opinion is best some tablet like apple ipad pro.

Doesn’t answer my question

Hi, i receved the tablet 2 day ago, i recorded a video on YouTube for photoshop, i think can help you.

Hello, I recently bought a Hi 10 x and I tried using clipstudio and photoshop they work well however the tablet gets soo hot on the left side did you have any issues with overheating?
of course I don’t use them together and I reduce screen brightness. Did you have the same issues?

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Hello, I am also a graphic designer, I bought this tablet for mainly graphic design use. I think lower versions of Photoshop & Illustrator like CS6 will run fairly in this tablet. I tried installing latest CC versions but not too responsive, there’s a lot of latency in brushes and pen tool. So I tried alternative softwares like Gimp, Concepts, Clip Studio and they are working just fine.

But now, I just currently updated to Windows 11, I will observe if there’s an improvement in performance in using Adobe PS and Ai.