Chuwi HiPad Xpro , Install Android 13 (solved)

New firmware here: 5063_ZW_T616_P30_CHWI_HiPad_XPro_ROW13_T_20230816_user.
I have just instaled it on my HiPad xpro Tablet and It is more stable, it is android 13, i had 12 before .Wifi isue seems to be fixed, it now has the option to extend rom to 12gb 6 rom +6 extended. Instal instruction here:

Thank you for giving us this information

You are welcome. This is the oficial firmware posted from Chuwi China

Autorotation does not work.Landscape is portrait and viceversa. I did not seen any other problems. I have instaled a floating widget to rotate manualy.

Can you tell how did you installed that widget? because this is a continue problem in people, who change so often and reinstall. Is possible will help them,.

The app is called custom screen Rotation control. În that app You must activate floating button for orientation and then there will always be a litle floating button in the corner on the corner of the screen If you tap on that you can select orientation.

Thank you so much

Thanks for this info but I tried this and it did not work, install just fails when I click the download button. Anything I need to do on the tablet before following this process?

Hi! Thanks for sharing. I don´t see howto install. The included link for install instructions seems to be used only in Windows environments.
Can you elaborate further?

Hi! I have the same problem. I don´t see howto install. The included link for install instructions seems to be used only in Windows environments.
Can you elaborate further?

Give me your serial number, so i can send you the correct files