Does not turn on herobook pro after thunderstorm (i need circuit image)

Good afternoon. The laptop does not turn on after a thunderstorm, there may be something with the power supply.
Can you throw off the laptop’s power supply circuit?
HeroBook Pro CWI514

you mean you need the features of the charget? or the battery?

Thank you for responding so quickly. A laptop diagram to understand what burned down (((

I will ask to see if possible. if you can send me a picture of another laptop diagram that you could find in internet i would appreciate it i think would be easier to explain.

schematic diagram of a laptop

i asked, they told me they will check if they have it and can give to you

Check if this serves you
gemini_lake_x133gra200_20211202-原理图herobook pro diagram thunderstom.pdf (1023.0 KB)

Thank you very much. Yes it fits. :blush: