Freebook 360 Problems with touchpad sensibility/precision

Ive recently acquire a Chuwi Freebok 360 . Ive been using it for college related stuff , writing some class work in word and google docs , and ive notice that the cursor is note very precise . Sometimes it tends to get stuck or not move when im trying to , for example , correct some misspelled word .
Ive tried to change the settings and see if that would help , but for now it hasnt work .

I dont know if somebody else has this same problem . Maybe it is a touchpad problem?

Would you mind to reinstall the drivers and if that does not work reinstall the windows? if you five me your serial number i can send the files to you


Ive also noticed problems with touchscreen detection , such as when im trying to divide the screen in two different windows .Sometimes the screen doesnt detect that im trying to move one window with my finger


N100 VC3 Driver.rar

try to install and see how it goes.