Bought a Gemibook and WAS great and promised of a NVMe slot. Honestly, everything was ok until i bought 512GB m.2 SSD NVMe, hope to enjoy the speed. After checking the BIOS it never supported and not detected when slot in. It can only detect as an storage via enclosure to USB type A and C. It appears that motherboard does not support or configured to even M keyed slot available. I have Acer Nitro 5 and notice on the board that it has marking written on 2 slots… one with PCIE another with SATA. It least user will know it is supported.
I am not computer guy but in technical sense i know a just tiny bit. My point is Chuwi should not mislead with purchaser with all these advertisement, promised of a beautiful things that was never to be. Better off telling off honestly, if such false misinformation continues, Chuwi will NEVER be to the likes Huawei ,Xiaomi and other chinese notable brands. Chuwi ,come clean about your product. Be a proper brand. People or consumer will accept …don’t let your hardship on building your brand came crashing down.