GemiBook XPro
Serial JGeBXPCY2H230700915
after 5 months of good operation the laptop remain now dead, no LED on on when connected to power supply
Sold by GEMI FR managed by Amazon in Italy
Would you mind to send me the link to the Store?, i cant find it.
On the amazon site I find this link
Mine too broh, it’s got the exact same problem
did you find any solution?
or it has been dead forever?
I have written to the after-sales service at CHUWI and am yet to receive a response from them.
when have you written to che CHUWI service?
In this case you need to contact the seller in Amazon, because its not our official stores. So we dont offer warranty (repairs must be paid) if its not bought from any of our stores.
Have you tried to leave it charging whole night? Sometimes the battery is so discharged that needs long time
How did it happen can you explain what were you doing before that happened? Maybe there is another explanation, and its just the charger.
of course I let it charging for a full day and it is not the charger , I have two of them, and I have tried with both.
It happened when the system was let charging during the night; the evening before it worked, the morning it was dead
25th March