Hi10 Max + No boot

On September 27 i ordered the Hi10 Max windows laptop from the chuwi.de. The laptop after 3 months is not turning on anymore. It works only the blue led light on the side but then again it gets off. I have contacted Chuwi Support for the Warranty ,they replied after 3 days that i have to send it for repair in Germanyand if I agree then i have to pay the delivery. I agreed but they never sent me more info where to send the laptop or something like this. The support is really bad ,slow and i cannot trust. I am afraid i cannot trust either to buy again a product from the chuwi website.

I am so sorry lately with Christmas we are overloaded. I told my colleague to answer your today

The response is really slown and only after posting the problem publibly in the forum. Otherwise they ignore you.

Two weeks passed and still waiting for an update. I have np odea what is happening to the process of the laptop even if i asked chuwi for an update. Extremely slow answer to emails and not good service.

Can you tell me when am i going to get my laptop? There is no updates neither answer to my emails!
Since the laptop is bought from the european website chuwi.de I am going to use soon my rights Under German Consumer Law (§ 439 BGB - German Civil Codeunder, against Chuwi.

Hi, I just bought this product and started having this issue of booting from day 1. To boot it I have to press the power button a number of times and until it boots it’s happening just like you’re experiencing, having the blue light coming on and off. I sent support, let’s see if they sort out my issue professionally and without wasting time.