The battery is defective only lasts a minimum time. Send me a new battery. Now, how do you open this Ubook or where is there a manual to change the battery?
Someone knows?
You can find all the information you need here
I only see holes without screw head to loosen. I am beginning to believe this is disassembled by heating and swiping a card to separate the glass from the screen. Which I think is a barbaric danger. I still do not understand how chuwi does not show a tutorial on how to change the battery that comes from the defective factory !!!
Unfortunately, the photo is a bit bad.
Could it be that only a plastic cap was pressed into the hole here, thus “hiding” the screws. See if Dumdie can reel it out with a needle.
Otherwise, the case looks like the Ubook X. You don’t have to heat anything. The housing is only clipped.
If you can’t find any screws at the bottom, I would carefully start opening the case. I would start at the top. The housings are all constructed similarly. Here is a video H13, which is almost the same.
When you have reached the bottom, you will already notice whether there are still screws hidden.
And please do not try to loosen the screen glass with heat. The touch is glued to the display and on the back of the display unit is a frame that carries the mainboad and the battery.
The back is the only thing that can be removed like a lid.
Thanks for the reply. But the video is misleading in the sense that it does not show where to open, but that it is already open and then it opens it even more. I keep trying but I will deform the whole case trying to open only the lid … There has to be a more practical solution to start with …
In your photo it looks like nothing is open yet.
You have to enter exactly at the transition from the silver lid and the black display edge. You can do this with a fingernail, credit card or opening tool.
Then it looks like in my photo. And start at the top. Your picture shows the lower side.
If you have a gap at the top, you simply go around with the map. As you can see in the video.
Oh, and don’t forget to take out the microSD card beforehand and unplug all plugs. People like to forget the microSD.
Ok, now it was possible. Thanks for your help !!! Actually removing the mini sd and on the USB type C I inserted a card and immediately disconnected. Thank you!!!