October 23, 2021, 3:56am
Hi, how do we install Windows 11? I keep getting the TPM 2.0 error. I have tried all the workarounds to bypass the TPM 2.0 check (which worked on my other computer) but Windows 11 just refuses to install on my Minibook.
October 23, 2021, 5:35am
Solution found!
Download and run this file:
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & exit/b
#:: double-click to run or just copy-paste into powershell - it's a standalone hybrid script
#:: v2 of the toggle script comes to the aid of outliers for whom v1 did not work due to various reasons (broken/blocked/slow wmi)
#:: uses IFEO instead to attach to the same Virtual Disk Service Loader process running during setup, then launches a cmd erase
#:: of appraiserres.dll - but it must also do some ping-pong renaming of the exe in system32\11 - great implementation nonetheless
#:: (for simplicity did not use powershell invoking CreateProcess and DebugActiveProcessStop to overcome IFEO constrains)
#:: in v2 the cmd window will briefly flash while running diskmgmt - so it is not "better" per-se. just more compatible / reactive
#:: you probably don't need to have it installed at all times - just when doing feature updates or manual setup within windows
#:: hence the on off toggle just by running the script again
$_Paste_in_Powershell = {
$N = 'Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update'
$0 = sp 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup' 'AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU' 1 -type dword -force -ea 0
$B = gwmi -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace 'root\subscription' -Filter "Filter = ""__eventfilter.name='$N'""" -ea 0
$C = gwmi -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Namespace 'root\subscription' -Filter "Name='$N'" -ea 0
$F = gwmi -Class __EventFilter -NameSpace 'root\subscription' -Filter "Name='$N'" -ea 0
if ($B) { $B | rwmi } ; if ($C) { $C | rwmi } ; if ($F) { $F | rwmi }
$C = "cmd /q $N (c) AveYo, 2021 /d/x/r>nul (erase /f/s/q %systemdrive%\`$windows.~bt\appraiserres.dll"
$C+= '&md 11&cd 11&ren vd.exe vdsldr.exe&robocopy "../" "./" "vdsldr.exe"&ren vdsldr.exe vd.exe&start vd -Embedding)&rem;'
$K = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\vdsldr.exe'
This file has been truncated. show original
You should also do this:
So you have a $2,000 Core i7-6950X HEDT processor, which you thought would last forever, but Windows 11 Setup stands in your way with its steep system requirements that include TPM and Secure Boot. What do you do? With Windows 11, Microsoft...
And this TPM registry fix:
October 23, 2021, 6:57am
Iām already using Windows 11 well. For how to apply Windows 11, refer to a channel run by a Korean YouTuber. I hope it helps other people, too.
This YouTuber lives in Australia, so it is possible to communicate in English.
By clicking on the title below, you can watch the YouTube channel I referred to.
How to install it even on a PC that does not support Windows 11. This is a method that does not require TPM and does not require UEFI settings.
1 Like
Hi! This video is in the Korean language. Canāt understand. Can you please describe the procedure? Thanks.
There is already an official windows 11 upgrade on the windows update, chuwi minibook 8 J4125 has passed the requirements.
1 Like
June 24, 2022, 9:00am
I just update my MiniBook 2022 version, works perfect everything in Win 11.
where can I download the drivers for CHUWI MINIBOOK 8 inch?
thanks for your help I finally conquer the problem and finish the instllation.
October 28, 2022, 2:23pm
Hiā¦ recenly I reinstalled win 11 for my Minibook x, and the touchpad and touchscreen is not workingā¦ can you tell me the driver for touchpad and touchscreenā¦?
October 30, 2022, 2:36pm
Minibook X driver problem solved with this file: minibook x
Literaly you must install the driver one by one by clicking all the .exe files, and right click then install the āsetup informationā filesā¦ Thanks.