Windows 10 install works: just one question

I have a new MinibookX. I was terrified in seeing the new W11 and immediately I have started a W10 downgrade. I have installed Windows 10 21H2 without any problem with the drivers. In case of interest, my procedure was this:

1 - First, doing a backup rescue of the original Windows 11. I believe this is fully recommended in case of problems:
Install Veeam Agent for Windows Free

  • after starting Veeam in Minibook, create one Media Rescue ISO image and copy it into one USB flash to transfer the image to the main PC. This rescue image will be necessary in case of a future rescue of W11.

  • start again Veeam to create one image of the whole disk. After finished, transfer the image to the main PC.

I have tested a complete W11 re-install in a blank disk using Veeam and it works without problems. Really good.

2 - In the MiniBook, export all drivers from Windows 11 to one folder C:\export-drivers. Open CMD in admin mode:

dism /online /export-driver /destination:C:\export-drivers

3 - copy folder C:\export-drivers to the PC, and then integrate the drivers folder inside one Windows 10 official iso.

I have done the integration with PowerISO 7.9 because it’s easier, although also it can be done manually. There are many tutorials in internet

4 - After the new Windows 10 ISO is created, burn it in one USB with Rufus software (checking the MBR option).

5 - Turn off the Minibook, plug the USB, and start Minibook pressing F2 to enter into Bios. Check the Bios so it can start with the USB flash, save it and start the W10 install process. The screen will appear rotated, although later it will be corrected by itself.

In the first installation step, delete all the Windows 11 partitions and just follow the process
That’s all.

Question: I have checked how all the software started from a USB flash, they appear with the screen rotated.
Somebody knows if there some way to force the horizontal mode?


some useful tips for W10:

Disable Adaptative Brightness
In Windows 10 there is no option to disable the Adaptive Brightness inside Energy Plan.
Brightness increase and decrease at its own will. This is quite annoying, specially in low light environments or with a dark theme. Also this can impact in the available battery

This is solved with Regedit.exe, changing this default value 1200 to 1210:


Missing keys in languages keyboard
there is no key for < and > characters in Spanish language. One .ahk AutoHotkey script can activate both characters in example using AltGr + , and AltGr + .

Install v1.x:

example: script.ahk. (Put a shortcut inside the Startup folder to start at boot)

SendMode Input  
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  

; Syntax detail: 
;  <^> = AltGr
;  !   = +
;  ,/. = character  

<^>!,::Send <
<^>!.::Send >

Improving Brightness control
Autohotkey makes possible more interesting options. In example to get higher precission to control brightness, avoiding big jumps when pressing F6 and F7 keys and the uncomfortable Win slider:

Check here:

remapping the Fn key can be problematic. In the final section I have assigned Ctrl + F6 and Ctrl + F7 with 1 point of increment:
