I’ve bought my lapbook pro 12.11.2019 on Aliexpress from OfficialCHUWI store. Since my lapbook come to me it was problem with dead pixel on the screen. I write an email to service@chuwi.com but they ignore me. I say okay, it’s only one pixel on the screen. 2 days ago when I try to open my lapbook pro i heard strange noise. After that hinge jump off the cover! All screws next to hinge jump off the cover too. I contact to service@chuwi.com but they tell me that I open cover and warranty don’t include me. Are you serious? Lapbook cracked into 2 pieces and you tell me that warranty don’ include it? Today I was in professional notebook service and boss are sure that hinge has factory defect. I want you to repair my lapbook or full refound. It’s not my wrong that your hinges has factory defect! If you ignore me again I will contact to all services I can to get my money back. !
Tell me your email pl.
My email adres is djcristalmix@gmail.com
It’s another day without any answer how to repair my laptop. Now I contact to aliexpress to tell them that you’re unfair seller. Next I will record video about your customer service and quality of your product and i will share it in every group about technologies on Facebook.
I contacted the store customer service of aliexpress to contact you again.
My hinge has broken after about 5 weeks use; looks very similar to the picture above. Please explain how I get a refund or replacement?
Please contact Chuwi’s store customer service at the website where you buy the device, if they do not solve your problem, please contact aftersale@chuwi.com
It’s another day without answer. Customer service on aliexpress told me, that somebody from Chuwi spain will contact to me but it was 2 day ago! What’s wrong with you? Why you can’t say ‘it’s our wrong we will repair your lapbook or give refund’? How long I need to wait until you contact to me?
I have followed up your problem again, please wait patiently, and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Hi, I already have two Chuwi Lapbook Pro laptops with broken hinges. I understand how hard is it to make a good and affordable laptop and I won’t ask for a refund, but I really hope that you will fix this problem in the near future.
Hello, my problem is the same. My hinge broke after few months and now my laptop (CHUWI Lapbook Pro) is unusable. My e-mail: mezeidavid2000@hotmail.com
Mine broke too but it took 4 months since I don’t use the laptop often and only at home (except during the covid pandemic when I use it 10 hours a day). Like Kvinicki, I understand how difficult it is to make good value laptops. I’m just happy that Lazada replied to me and I will ship my laptop to China for repair as soon as our Quarantine is over.
In view of the above problems you have reported, you can communicate with chuwi customer service of purchasing website, and they will reply to you within 24 hours. If you do not receive any reply, please let me know which website you bought your device from and your email address.
Hello, @Management, first of all, let me say to you that you are really amazing producing and offering laptops with a 4-core CPU and 8 GB RAM at such a low price. I’d been enjoying my one till the hinge was broken, and it seems these plastic handlers are the weakest part of a laptop. They managed to be broken (without any impact from my side) in two places - inside the chassis and in the screen module near the very hinge, and the plastic there fell apart like glass. I tried to repair the chassis with epoxy (you can see it in the photo), but unfortunately, this glue can’t burden such a heavy load. I’ll try to address this issue to Aliexpress where I’ve bought my laptop…
Dear @Management, could you please consider making handles for this hinge more reliable maybe by producing them from aluminum alloy?
I’m sorry the problem has caused you some inconvenience and thank you for your advice.We will feedback your question to the relevant department.Have a nice day
I have exacly the same problem after 3 months of mild use. Bought mine from the CHUWI Official store on aliexpress. what do i do?
Please contact customer service at Aliexpress Chuwi’s shop.
I received lapbook pro from repair (Spain). Hinge works, but when I open it I van hear the same noise like before fault. I’m worried that in few weeks hinge jump off the cover again. In my opinion another hinge has factory defect.
Edit: Service from Spain tell me that they change cover (places for screwes) and that’s all. They don’t change hinge, because they think, that is good. So now, listen how works ‘good’ hinge https://youtu.be/6QjAjlgbphc
Here I add film from 05.05.2020. You can see that I can’t move hinge! And the same BROKEN hinge is now in new cover. https://youtu.be/ZAHItD5M4TI
Same problem for me.
One of the hinges is broken,
But if i have to send it to China …
I bought it on Aliexpress, from Chuwi official store