Minibook X N100: No display anymore

I’ve been using my MiniBook X since several weeks now and for some reasons after I closed the lid the display doesn’t turn on anymore.

I’ve reboot manually the laptop by long pressed the power button, the BIOS doesn’t show any menu or chuwi logo, the panel stay black.

The battery is full and I’m using the default charger provided by chuwi.
I’ve opened the laptop and unplug the battery, same issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because right now the laptop is a brick.

@jaap maybe you can help?

The Minibook X 2023 I have works as follows:
Off: no leds lit
Off and power supply connected: led beside the usb port lit
On and power supply not connected: led beside the power button lit
It takes some 10 seconds to push the power button to force the laptop to switch off.

If my display would not work I would first check if the power led is lit. If so, push the power button for at least 10 seconds to force the laptop off. (Been there, done that)

After that I would connect an external display and see if that would work to be able to check or reset settings.

Finally, if leds and external displays wouldn’t work I’d either send it for repair or bring it to a recycling station.

Cheers, Jaap

i note same situation “black screen” when i try to wake up the MiniBook X N5100
when it is under "over load of memory or processor use
same when MS Update in back yard

Solution is to wait and let time to the MiniBook X to achieve complete is wake-up
some time it take over 30 minutes

this is less significative with the MiniBook X N100

I didn’t consider that one. Good tip! Patience is a virtue.

Hi all,
Sorry for the late reply, I’ve tried all the suggestions and none of them worked.
It seems to be an hardware issue because the BIOS doesn’t even boot or display something either in the panel or external display.
I’m gonna send the device for repair.

Thanks for your help