Stop battery charge at 95%

Hello all,
I have several laptops - and all of them come with a utility where I can stop charging at a set level (sometimes I can select the level, other times the laptop sets 95%).
The idea is, if you do not charge to 100%, that extends the useful life of the battery.
Can I do this somehow on the Chuwi laptop?
Thank you for any pointers

Hello, sorry we did not develop that utility but i will pass it to tech to see if in future ones, that could be preinstalled.

is there an alternative program to stop overcharging the battery of GemiBook XPro , even if it is not in its BIOS ?


It is not necessary, lithium batteries have a chip to precisely not keep the battery connected at 100% and let it discharge so as not to overload them. This value cannot be modified from Windows and has more to do with the battery hardware (the chip I am referring to) therefore specialized equipment is required.

Just to be clearer, the battery manufacturer is the one who determines the value to which the battery should be discharged to extend its useful life.


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But in my older notebooks, the Windows 10 showed a battery page with the battery charge and discharge history , and there I could order the battery to stop charging at 80%. My problem arises because my 2 pokets battery located under the mouse pad get thicker and thicker and now rises the mouse pat and diconnects it

That battery is unsafe now, you should replace it or remove it. I have a Corebook X in the same situation and I removed the battery months ago and I’m using it only plugged into the power without risk. A swollen battery can rupture and leak or even explode.

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