[SurBook] [Tutorial] How to reinstall Windows 10 for Chuwi SurBook

How to reinstall Windows 10 for Chuwi SurBook

Prepared Tool:

Note: Make sure there’s more than 50% battery capacity, or stay charged while flashing.

  1. Format USB Stick as NTFS and name it WINPE as below: (If WINPE is not named, u-disk won’t be recognized.)

Unpack the downloaded Windows 10 files:


  1. Copy the all subfiles and then paste it to the root of your USB Stick.


  1. Install/Flash Windows 10

After plugging the u-disk into SurBook, boot the device. The system automatically guides into the CMD flash interface. The 1% -100% progress indicates the flashing is on.
When it is finished, the tablet will shut off automatically;

(First boot time will be longer. The test mode will be entered after startup. Please first close the middle " Cancel " window, then double click on Cleanup on the upper left corner and the computer will shut down. Then manually turn on the device, choose the language on the language setting interface and set it as user mode. )


The whole process will take around 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the speed of your USB port.

Hi, thank you for the tutorial.

Would it be possible to install the windows 10 lite version on the chuwi surbook ?

Thank you for the support,

The only version of Windows that will be activated automatically with the license installed on the board is Windows 10 Home. Any other version of Windows will need a new product key

Thank you Manonegra222. So if I understood I just need to buy a license and it will work fine right?

Exactly. You must have the drivers of the non-Intel devices that you can obtain from your own device with the doubledriver application

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Hi Manonegra222 ,
Do I need the windows 10 for Surbook linked in your tuto for the other drivers or not? I download it as a backup, just to know…

The Windows 10 tutorial does not need to install drivers because they are already included in the rom

Manonegra222 do you know how can I boot the surbook to my bootable USB flash w/ win10 lite?

I tried to make a standard FAT32 bootable USB but no option to boot on it in the BIOS. Then I tried to name the boot flash drive WINPE and make it NTFS. Nothing…

You have to, immediately after pressing the power button, press F7 intermittently until the start menu comes out and in it select the pendrive

Thank you Manonegra. Unfortunately I got this message at the beginning of the install. Any idea of how to solve it?

Edit ( cannot write other reply cause I am a new user): yes this is what I did a bootable disk with rufus to install windows lite. I formatted the system partition and then started to install. After rebooting and the next steps of the install I got this message. I do not understand this message. Do not know what to do… You mean I just need to browse to the self installing pen?

Won’t you be using a Windows 10 lite ISO? You need it to be a self-installing pen that you can get with the ISO and for example, Rufus

Hi Manonegra,
Cannot install every drivers one by one.
I tried to reinstall the surbook standard windows but I got the message below :

Could you help please?


Yes, there is a solution for that error, usually it is solved using another pendrive because the one you are using may contain some hidden directory that prevents the creation of the temporary unita solución para ese error,

use this method: [Other] The solved method that the system cannot find the driver specified

Hello, I have an issue reinstalling windows on my SurBook that is shown in the image here:

The folder structure on my flash drive formatted as NFTS looks like this:

I didn’t think the issue was exactly like the problem shown by user Giova but I tried using a secondary flash drive in the other port and following the steps in the method here.

you must use a different USB drive since it seems that the used one has hidden directories that make installation difficult

I tried another USB as suggested and it worked. Thank you @manonegra222!
I wonder why the first drive didn’t work since I wiped it clean before copying the Windows files. Perhaps because it wasn’t USB 2.0.

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I do not know the reason, but from experience the same case had already occurred with other users.
I’m glad you were able to reset your device and enjoy it again

The best way to install (Reinstall) Windows 10 is to use a Windows 10 installation disk to do that,i don’t like to download Windows 10 from Microsoft. Furthermore, Microsoft no longer supports this.
