Hi, in my new rzbox (ryzen 5800H ver.) I’ve never seen the fan starts, even with the cpu temp over 100 °.
The fan.
This is normal behavior?
Many tanks for your help.
Hi, in my new rzbox (ryzen 5800H ver.) I’ve never seen the fan starts, even with the cpu temp over 100 °.
The fan.
This is normal behavior?
Many tanks for your help.
Great that you found the issue. I hope this disconnected fan didnt cause damage to CPU since it was going to 100º all the time.
Dear friend. How did you open it? I try for several months but i cant. Thank you in advance
after pull of the bottom cover (the side with the screws), you have to slide the upper cover (put some force towards the rear side).
Hope it can help you.
Same here!
Cannot be enought thankful for your post.
I was already checking for another minipc though Rzbox format and features where enough for me.
Device bought from Amazon on mid sept. Maybe Chuwi should contact owners?
Just got my RZBox.
FAN was not connected → temps were high -: fan never started.
i had to connect the fan. Same issue as above
I used this post as a start opening the RZBox.
some additional info might be needed for some.
Steps to open RZBOX
Resolution :
Step 1 - Remove bottom cover (8 screws)
Turn RZBox Upside down
Unscrew all 8 scews
Use magnet to remove screws fromn cover
lift cover upwards
Step 2 - Remove back plate (4 screws _ that is the plastic cover with the openings for the **
*** Network\Hdmi\Displayport and Usb)
Unscrew all 4 screws
Backplate is held with three plastic clips (push clips gently down and gentle push backplate away
Start at the ends.
Be Carefull!! Don not use too much force!
Step 3 - Remove Top Plate (metal no screws)
turn rzbox the right way up.
If backplate is removed, slide top plate about 1 inch towards the back (it will not slide further)
lift cover upwards
Check fan cable

Plug in fan
Drop top cover, slide top cover to the front
Turn rzbox ocer (bottom side up.
attach back cover Start with bottom side, and push the topside to the front
check if the clips are in a correct position.
screw cover in place
Drop bottomcover in place
screw cover in place