Hi, new to the forum, I got an Hi 12 from end of 2017, dual boot.
Was requested to do an Windows upgrade a couple a days ago, I guess it failed because after that it was trying to go roll back for 24 hours when I turned it of. And here we are.
I have red all tips and trick to reinstall the Windows (Android works fine),
2 USB stick, the boot stick one in the USB 3.0 port and the Image stick in the USB 2 port, down loaded recommended Images etc.etc.
When doing as book says I see the boot USB stick (in USB 3.0 port) flash seems like reading, then the screen get blue and hangs and after 1-2 minutes the device shut down.
Another thing I got the seriel number Q46G45171000928, can someone point at the right version of W 10 for my peice. And also some good instruction how to make this work.
Failed to use recommended Hi 12 Windows _Z8350 ROM.
But I managed to install Windows 10 Home version from Microsoft !!
But now I miss most of the devices, such as Network, Touch, Audio etc.
I have followed the instruction, down loaded the driver pack Hi12, turned of integrity check, running the device manager in Admin mode, but I can´t install any of the drivers (except for one).
Get an list of about 14 Other devices all with yellow flag in the dev mngr.
First one called Multimedia controller, second PCI/Decryption Controller and the 12 unknown device.
Tried all drivers in the Hi12 drivers pack, just get Windows could not find any drivers for your device. Same with all except g-sensor.
What am I do wrong ?
Do I miss something ?
What driver in the pack is for what device ?
Audio ?
bt drivers ?
C122-gt0 etc ?
g-sensor this actually went in OK, but what is it for ? not the touch screen
When the installation is finished, it is time to install the drivers. It is logical that, after a clean installation of Windows, the system does not recognize the drivers of non-Intel devices. This happens on any device of any brand.We must then install the drivers that Windows has not been able to install.To do this, after downloading the drivers of our tablet or laptop model and unzipping them into a device storage folder, disable Windows protection for the installation of unsigned drivers.To deactivate this protection, press start, restart with the shitf key pressed, and restart now. When you restart, an advanced reset screen will open in which you must press 7 or F7 to deactivate the protection and it will restart normally.
It is time to go to the device manager, by clicking on the start button with the right mouse button and in the menu choose device manager, and see in the device tree the drivers that are not correctly installed. (they have a yellow triangle).You have to click on each of them with the right button, driver properties, update driver. On the next screen, choose the option below “search for driver software on the computer”. On the next screen “choose from a list of available drivers on the computer” and on the next one you must click on the use disk button; The browser will open and select the folder where you have unzipped the downloaded drivers, checking the option to search in subfolders.The system will install the device driver. You have to repeat this process with each of the devices with a yellow triangle. Keep in mind that if you restart, the protection will be activated again, so you must activate it again when you have to install a driver.
Thanks for all help I got from you guys.
Finaly I managed to boot from the stick with the Win 10 ROT I downloaded from the forum. I dont know why it didn´t worked out the first 15 times, but I am back.
But 2 issues left to solve.
I got 2 boot managers and the primary one startas the boot to the old Win 10. Tried to change the boot order in Bios setup but with 2 option with the same name the faulty one allways become the primary. When doing boot overide and start from the second boot manager it works fine and the Chuwi Win version starts with all drivers etc… How do get rid of the faulty boot manager ???
Touch screen seems a bit slow and un-sensitive, wrong driver in the ROM ??
Hola buenas tardes , mil gracias
Android ya esta funcionando perfecto y lo extendi a 16g la particion
Funciona perfecto
intento instalar windows 10 y queda con la pantalla celeste y luego se apaga no continua no instala el windows
Probe con la instalacion original de 8g y tambien queda en la pantalla celeste luego se apaga
si puedo instalarlo con la iso original de windows como una instalacion normal
La idea es instalar el original para poder pasar del escritorio desde android a windows y desde el escritorio de windows a android sin necesitar teclado
Tiene idea por que no continua instalando, me podria ayudar con eso?
Desde ya muchas gracias
Hello good afternoon, thank you very much
Android is already working perfect and I extended it to 16g the partition
It works perfect
I try to install windows 10 and it remains with the light blue screen and then it turns off it does not continue it does not install the windows
Try the original 8g installation and it also remains on the light blue screen then it turns off
if I can install it with the original windows iso as a normal installation
The idea is to install the original to be able to move from the desktop from android to windows and from the windows desktop to android without needing a keyboard
Do you have any idea why you don’t continue installing, could you help me with that?
From already thank you very much
el motivo es porque tendrás particiones de los intentos de instalación de Wiindows que están estorbando a la hora de que el programa de Windows o la rom origial realice la instalación.
Si lo haces con un pendrive de Microsoft tendrás que instalar después los drivers pero te permitirá eliminar esas particiones que están impidiendo que la instalación termine.
Inicia con el pendrive puesto pulsando F7 intermitentemente hasta que salga el menú de selección de arranque, elige el pendrive y en el menú de instalación de Windows elige instalar Windows, instalación personalizada. En la siguiente ventana te preguntará dónde quieres instalar Windows y en esa ventana debes eliminar una a una las particiones 12,13,14 y 15 que son las de Windows y si hubiese alguna más partir de la 15 también las eliminas. Una vez eliminadas todas esas particiones quedará un espacio sin asignar. Sin formatear ni crear nada, selecciona ese espacio sin asignar como destino de la instalación y siguiente. Cuando te pida la clave de Windows presionas en no tengo clave. La instalación acabará
Hola así realice ,formatee todo el disco no le di formato e instale android, solo quedo 1 espacio sin asignar, si puedo instalar 1 iso de windows 10 normal pero la de chuwi no , no pasa de la ventana celeste no abre la ventana negra de símbolo de sistema para instalar
la chuwi es q64g45170700763 puede ser que no sea la versión correcta?
Desde ya muchas gracias
Hi, so do, format the entire disk, I didn’t format it and install android, only 1 unallocated space remains, if I can install 1 normal windows 10 iso but that of chuwi no, it doesn’t pass from the celestial window it doesn’t open the black window of command prompt to install
the chuwi is q64g45170700763 it might not be the correct version?
From already thank you very much
HOla buenas. Quisiera una explicacion de todo lo que tengo que instalar para una hi12 dual y en concreto estoy teneindo problamas.
El caso es que compre la tablet de segunda mano y al restaurar el windows de fabrica me pide un usuario y una contraseña, que desconozco.
El vendedor se ha desentendido y es imposiblle saberlo. Que solucion me dais?