Now always.
I cant use the type-c connector.
I can charge the tablte with it, but if i want to connect a pendrive, it’s led isn’t turning on at all.
I tried an external ssd too but nothing.
This all started after the windows popped up this:
Power surge on usb port
What can i do?
The other port are working fine.
I charge my tablet with the original chuwi charger.
Windows can block a device when it receives an unexpected response from it, leaving the resource disabled.
My advice is that you perform a restore from the Windows options: startup, configuration, update and security, recovery, reset this PC. It will ask you if you want to keep your data and then it will start a long process - it may take several hours depending on how busy you have the internal memory - that you should not interrupt, put the charger and let it finish. And don’t turn it off even if it looks like it’s stopped.
The issue is:
The output power line of the usb-c is shorted to ground by itself.
We are trying to fix it. I hope that the main power line is still good.
@manonegra222 what a great solution - restoring your Windows. Do we need to do this for every problem with Chuwi products… lideeeer
Respect and you will be respected.
Solutions must be provided step by step since, from here, we cannot know how the software is and if something has been modified that is producing that behavior.
In case you do not know, this is a forum for participation in which users share experiences and provide free solutions.
You would be welcome with your contributions and not with your constructive criticism.
My understanding was that the USB-C port on the Hi10Pro is only a charging port with no data transfer capabilities and that might explain why the port is not working for the purpose that you are trying to use it for.
The C port of the Hi10 Pro is a charging and data port, I have tested it and it works perfectly. Check if the cable comes in enough to make a good contact
I now got it to work for data by using a USB-C dongle for microSD which has a very long C connection and I can read the microSD card in it now.
For connectors that do not have the necessary length it is possible to cut a millimeter of the surrounding plastic with a cuter
Hi There,
How do you get it to do both please?
can you be more explicit please
If you want charging and USB-C you need to buy a little hub that supports USB-C and at the same time and I offers USB ports and maybe other ports.
But be careful with the hubs, I broke my USB-C port on my UBook Pro and I cannot use it for anything anymore now.