Which Chuwi Products have TYPE -C Full functions

These are the models that have the type C full funcions:
It means you can transfer data, audio, video, and charge with it.
You can use plug a second Monitor also

Latest Models:

1.CoreBook X 1215U/1235U/12450H;
2.FreeBook 1215U/N100 (2 TYPE-C ports next to the power button)
3.MiniBook X N100
4.UBook X
5.LarkBox X (AMD3750/N100)
6.RZBOX (13500H/12450H)

Older models:
1.LarkBook X
3.MiniBook X N5100 near the power button TYPE-C port
4.FreeBook N5100 near the power button TYPE-C port
6.GemiBook Pro
8.CoreBook Pro
9.AeroBook Pro
10.AeroBook Plus
11.Hi10 Go (bottom TYPE-C port)
12.UBook Pro
13.UBook XPro
14.CoreBox Pro 1005G1 (Thunderbolt 3)

(Maria 30/1/2024)