It worked for me, it might not work for you:
I cloned the Windows partition and recovery partition from EMMC to SSD.
Went into the bios to set that I could boot from the USB. And disabled the EMMC.
Ran windows installation from USB <= I had to put an extra fan on it because the fan wasn’t running during Windows installer, it crashed the first time.
Windows took care of getting it to boot from the SSD.
I tried to get it to do a windows repair, but it refused to do it. Had to do a clean install. It said it would put the old files in “windows.old”.
I timed the boot before and after and it booted in 20 seconds from the EMMC, it takes 24 seconds from the SSD. SSD benchmarks pretty well.
After my LarkBox is turned off, the M.2 SSD is still on (so are the USB ports). The M.2 SSD is warm all the time (135 ° F). It is powered all the time. Check it out.
Mine gets powered down, but I noticed that the windows copy on the sdd doesn’t spin the fan at all, therefore it quickly gets so hot that it starts to throttle badly.
Chuwi MUST improve the bios. This is the cause of all the trouble. They have one bios and they push it everywhere with modifications. High SSD temperature (all the time) destroy my new SSD M.2 drive.
10 hours after turning off the LarkBox, the M.2 SSD is very hot.
I touch the disk with my finger.
All drivers up to date. I reinstalled Windows several times on eMMC and SSD M.2.
Okay I just don’t get it I guess, but WHERE exactly are you guys finding all these great BIOS settings?
I searched so many times now but I don’t see anything remotely that let me do any kind of options for SSD/EMMC or any way to clone anything from anything else being as that would imply that I can SEE my new m2 card I put in there.
It simply never even shows up so I don’t have any OPTIONS for doing didly squat.
This is so frustrating.
I just bought the Saberant M.2 2242 Rocket which cost me about the same amount as the LarkBox itself and thought life was going to be awesome and nice and speedy.
Instead life is sucking and I can’t do much with the thing since the built-in internal storage isn’t very much.
Or fast.
I’ve just spent over a solid week trying everything under the sun to get things to work, still zip.
I’ve been building my own systems for over 20 years so it isn’t like I’m a complete noob to this.
Yeah, I was beginning to have that gut feeling I bought the wrong kind, uhg.
How could I be so stupid and lame.
That’ll teach me to thing I can be modern and use a new fancy drive that I’ve never messed with before.
And of course, I can’t return it (Amazon purchase) as they make it very clear you can’t return it.
So, I am assuming I also can’t even use it as an external drive either, cuz SCSI is SCSI, correct?
Still can’t believe I would make such an obvious mistake, sheesh. (eyes are rolling big time)
Was just watching a video where the guy is explaining the differences between the two types, and he said that the port type that also matches the kind I see in the box I have.
He says either kind can be used as they are interchangeable.
Mine is the single key type.
Which BTW was why I bought the one I did.
But tomorrow I get an adapter for the thing.
I can at least use the thing.