I decided. To your challenging spirit.
http://chuwi.mediafire.com/file/dmshqp6xknotmjx/GB01_ZW_1_03_202007091733_%25E7%258F%25BE%25E5%259C%25A8%25E5%2585%25A5%25E3%2581%25A3%25E3%2581%25A6%25E3% 2584% 25E3% 2582% 258B% 25E6% 25AD% 25A3% 25E5% 25BC% 258F% 25E3% 2581% 25AEBIOS.rar / file
There is a file in. Transcend’s USB memory is the best choice. Because you don’t have to write boot. After formatting with fat32, transfer the unzipped file to USB memory, insert it into the usb port of LarkBox, and turn on the power. Please judge that the rewriting is completed by the blue led of LarkBox. Be prepared for the time to take more than 10 minutes. Good lack
2020年10月29日(木) 14:28 Sanjay Khandagale via CHUWI | Official Forum <chuwi@discoursemail.com>: