Chuwi Hi10 XR keyboard does not work

i’ve a Chiwi Hi10xr, Sn: Q128G20103732. It run a Windows 10 1909.
Attached keyboard does not work despide:

  • Keyboard led on left is green and on.
  • Win control pannel does not present issues; USB section says that drivers are fine, keyboard driver are fine.
    Please help

Have you tried to release and reinstall drivers or roll back drivers ?

Hi Frankp0001 i didn’r succed despide the procedures listed bellow :
-Assuming that problem is due to drivers conflicts. I unistalled keyboards and USBs on system setting and restart. IT DIDN’T FIX
-Assuming that the problem came from win uppdateing; i brought back the entire system by restoring fabric settings windown toll. IT DIDN’T FIX
-Assuming that problem came from corrupted win; i used the Win System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files. DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and then sfc /scannow. . i had no proplem there ; IT DIDN’T FIX

  • Assuming that problem is due to keyboad driver. I installed the keyboard driver that i found on forum Hi10 x inside a folder called “Hi10 X 02-08-2020 (Full)”.IT DIDN’T FIX
  • Assuming that problem is due to win filter keyboard settings. i disactivated filter. IT DIDN’T FIX
    Do you have other idreas? THANKS

The only thing I can think off to this point is a compromise contact (even if green light is on) or a stuck key, mechanically or something stuck underneath one. I might sound weird but hold the keyboard perpendiculat and gently yet firmly knocking it each side twice (8 knocks) and carefully listening for any unsound noice, such as stuff moving aroung either underneath keys or inside the plastic. In my experience, keyboard rarely fail. I even put some hold laptop keyboard in dishwasher to clean out some pepsi and stuff… and it worked ! Now dont try that last one with yours, the case would not survive. I hope you find a way.

I dont’ have any unsound noise. I should try to buy a new keyboard befoure the return terms of Tablet expires

That is quite frustrating. I am new with Chuwi, i find it odd that they wont answer your email. Have you tried on the facebook page ? (If you bought directly from Chuwi store), if you bought from ali, open a dispute. I dont know what to tell you, but i suggest you pole around more. Good luck. (I personnaly bought a second already! Just inncase in a few year it breaks and they would not have it in stock anymore)

The present to keep posted.
I’VE FIXED BUYING A NEW DETACHABLE KEYBOARD! Thus the problem was not due to driver, setting or tablet related.
The problem was limited to the detachable Keyboard.
I assume that the keyboard initially provided was not for the Hi10XR and/or it had hardware problems despite the led on the left was on and the tablet was recognizing that a keyboard was connected.