Hi pen H7 not recognised - Chuwi Hi10 X

My Hipen H7 is not regognised by my Chuwi Hi10 x. Last week it was working fine. Suddenly it is not recognising my Pen. i even changed the battery. Please let me know if there is any solution for this.
My Chuwi Hi10 X serial number is HI10 XQ128GH620609947

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I have the same issue! I tried changing the battery but. Nothing. I just ordered a new pen. Did ordering a new one work for you?

Exactly the same problem with HiPen H7 on Ubook X. Worked for a week and that’s it 
 Is there any solution?


Is HiPen H7 equipped with a rechargeable battery ?
CHUWI has already removed the information about HiPen H7 (and Hi10XR) on Nov,2020, I can’t confirm.

H6 is surely equipped with a rechargeable battery. However H7 uses AAAA battery (you have to replace a battery after it runs out) according to some online shops.

I’ve been having the same problem for the past month. However, I was able to fix it with a simple method.

All I had to do was to press and hold the side switch of the pen for about two seconds at a time.
I don’t know if it’s the mode switch or the reset switch, but after a few tries, I was able to use the pen as before.

Why don’t you try it too?

Good luck.


The battery of the HiPen H7 is non-rechargeable. It is a common AAAA alkaline battery.

Thank you for the Information!

That is, H7 possibly wake up by pushing H7 second button. This is exactly similar to Microsoft Surface Pen. That’s a good news!

I feel a bit curious. I guess people here probably used H7 without push 2nd button after H7 stopped working until it could not wake up. Indeed H6 wakes up when I just put its tip on the screen.
Probably in some condition, H6/H7 have to be waken by 2nd button, I guess.

I had the same problem: suddenly the H7 pen stopped working. I measured the battery and it was ok. I still tried a new battery but the problem was not resolved. Then I discovered on the Wacom website (description of the Bamboo Ink) that you can switch the compatibility mode by pressing both side buttons at the same time for 2 seconds. I tried it and immediately the H7 worked again.

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We know that H7 probably uses Wacom’s (product/circuit) design. So, H7 possibly functions as “Bamboo Tip” partially, like H6 functions as “Surface Pen” partially.

( I doubt if the reason why CHUWI discontinued/erased H7 from its products lineup is the patents related to EC stylus pen that Wacom owns.)

At least, in the past CHUWI explained that H7 uses Wacom chip as noted in this video

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Hi,i have the same problem with mi HiPen H7, i tried all the things u said here but it still not working, do i have a warranty? can anyone help me please

Have you tried pressing both buttons at the same time? It worked to me.