How to clone herobook emmc to M.2 ssd?

hi i tried to clone the herobook emmc to SSD but get INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE after change the boot order in bios to SSD. Can some one help to share proper procedure to do so.

I’m also looking for info to do that, but for many people things went wrong so i’m not sure to do it, before someone writes down how to change boot in bios. Since i looked everywhere in bios and cant find any option to change boot device.

I have already inserted my ssd, but for now it role will be a storage :smile:

Hope to hear from someone soon with real solutions.

You do not indicate how you cloned, what application you used and if you changed the letter to the unit.
Before changing the boot priority order to the SSD you must, with Windows on from the original Windows (eMMC), write in the lower left box more config and enter the app that will come up. A configuration window will open in which you must select boot. In the next window, if you have successfully cloned, two Windows will appear, the first current default that will be the eMMC and the other that should be the SSD. You must change the SSD to default, accept and save.
Now restart and change the boot order in the bios, save the changes and start.
When you get to the desktop, check that the SSD is now the C drive. Retype ms config and go to the boot tab to see if everything is as it should be and there, if it is your wish, you can remove the boot boot from the eMMC.
You would only have to format the eMMC drive in case you want to delete the previous system. You must do it from the disk manager as this will also remove hidden partitions of the Windows installation of the eMMC.

I am also trying to clone Windows from eMMC to SSD on my CHUWI Lapbook SE.

Following the below link, I have cloned my C Drive (eMMC) to SSD using AOMEI Backupper Free Version:

Disk cloning is completed successfully. But the problem is, the cloned OS on SSD is not showing in “msconfig” which is why I think that this cloning process is not appropriate to make a bootable drive. Can you please guide me on this cloning process?
A screenshot is attached for your convenience. Look forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

You need to clone all partitions from EMMC, not only C.

Download the file, copy and paste this file on your ssd, then run it until command prompt change to orange colour. I do that and then wallaaa…my windows run and boot from my new ssd. Im copy windows using macrium free…