No funciona Chuwi I5 Core

Con Corebox en el buscador sale lo siguiente. No hay “Soporte oficial”

CHUWI CoreBox performance test, mini body features desktop performanace

22 may. - As information has been released, CHUWI will launch new mini PC CoreBox at the end of May, which will sell about $349. With only 2L volume, it brings a lot of convenience in daily use. It is comparable to the traditional…

New CoreBox i5 will not boot

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29 d - Hello! I have a new CoreBox i5 I just purchased. When powering on, the screen displays the Chuwi logo and a spinning Windows icon, but it never goes any farther. I have left the…

No funciona Chuwi I5 Core


24 min - Gracias Manonegra222 . La cuestion es que no encuentro el hilo oficial de este modelo . Es Corebox , Intel I5 . Y s ó lo encuentro GTbox que es Intel I3 . ¿ podes ayudarme a encontrar lo que me indicas ?