Hey guys,
I bought the ubook pro n4100 and tried to install android.
Now my problem. I’ve downloaded the 4 parts rar files from the the other thread and unzipped it on a USB flash drive. Installed windows and so on, but after that in device manager showes me this.
Wich driver are needed and where do I find them?
Thanks in advance
Wow, I didn’t even know the n4100 version of the Ubook Pro has an NFC device. I don’t see one on my 8100Y Ubook Pro.
You could try the one from Lenovo and see if that works. Several Lenovo drivers do work for the Ubook Pro. Probably using some of the same parts.
You need a Kyonix 6-axis driver and two Intel Thermal Framework drivers, which could be downloaded from Lenovo website, you could try to install HID-driver for touch screen, too 
Wow, does the NFC really work? 
I didn’t know it either. One question how I do install tp driver? And wich one is it on device manager? Thank you guys will try to install them from Lenovo. Hope it’s gonna work out for me…
Will keep you update, thanks fam.

Edit: btw the touch is working without driver, or windows installed it already by itself
UPDATE: so i decided to do a fresh install (3rd time now). after the install process, all drivers now are installed so far.
i will let microsoft do his updates, hopefully there will be no conflict, like software problems. wish me luck.
EDIT: it works like a charm now. all drivers are correctly installed and windows update also applied. no problems at all.
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When the system crashes, it’s the only way to reinstall windows from usb? There is no hidden recovery partition on the ubook device, right?
What about the activation after the system is reinstalled - is the system activated by default?
Yeah there is no recovery partition.
Download the windows files, 4 rar files.
Unzip them, press on windows3.rar part and unzip it, it will automatically unzip the other 3 rar files.
But it on a USB stick, put it in your USB slot and at boot up press fn+f2 and select the USB stick.
It has a script wich makes all by itself.
Windows is activated after finish.
OK, thank you.
Can you tell me what is this:
UBook Pro N4100 Windows: UBook Pro N4100 TP driver ? What is that for? Should I have a copy of that too?
This is software for TouchPannel IC flashig and calibration. You need it if touch works wrong.
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